Who do we help?

Petite Cobi Foundation focuses their efforts on the city of Tivaouane and the villages Terokh and Yendane in Senegal. Many children in this region hardly have access to medical care. Primarily, Petite Cobi attends to malnourished children, either by providing milk powder and other nutritional supplements and/or by arranging good care. Besides malnourished children, we are committed to seriously ill children. Families are mostly able to pay for medicines for a minor infection or aspirin for the flu. However, when a child is seriously ill and in need of surgery, the costs are soon exceeding the family’s financial possibilities. In situations like these, Petite Cobi offers a solution. Furthermore, Petite Cobi Foundation attends to handicapped children. Medical costs are covered by the Liliane Fund and Petite Cobi helps out with transportation costs and arranging appointments. Below, you will find the children we are helping. Read their stories! Children 2013 Children 2012 Children 2011 Children 2010 Children 2009 Children 2008 Children 2007